DHS Band Parent Association


The Decatur High School Band Parent Association (DHSBPA) is a  501(c)(3)non-profit parent volunteer organization. The mission of the DHSBPA is to support the Decatur High band program (musicians and color guard), including financial support to supplement funds from the City Schools of Decatur (CSD), and promote parental involvement in band activities.


The Band Parent Association does NOT replace the communication between the Band Director and the students.


The overall goal of the BPA is to provide an enriching band experience for all students who participate in the band which includes:


  • Organizing and running band camp
  • Purchasing and repairing instruments
  • Funding additional classroom and marching band program instruction
  • Purchasing musical arrangements
  • Purchasing and maintaining the marching band uniforms
  • Providing financial aid to students


In this day of cutbacks and fund decreases, it is essential that we supplement the limited funds that are allocated to the band budget in order to enhance the educational experience of our students.  One of the best things you can do is become active in the DHSBPA. That doesn’t mean you have to volunteer for everything, but your participation is encouraged and appreciated. It takes an army of volunteers to make things run smoothly for the band and although they won’t admit it, your kids actually like having their parents involved in some band activities!


If you would like to sign up to volunteer or want more information about volunteering, click here.



We are so thankful for all our sponsors! Become a business sponsor here.

  Huntington logo







  Raging Burrito logo  

Green Orthodontics logo



We love and appreciate our Friends & Family donors! Become one here.



Chuck & Sara Achuff
Tom Adams
Atkins/Rector family
Linda & James Bailey
Brent Barton
Bayus family
Beran family
Harold & Tyra Buckley
Stacie & George Buckley
Buettner family
Bumgarner family
Cheng family
Susan Clark
Al & Nina Davis
Carrie & Judd Davis
Dale & Marlyn Davis
Marci & Jonathan Davis
DeFilippo family
Epstein family
Alex & Roxanna Erwin
Dan Floyd
Sally & Jody Girard
Gurch/Kim family
Himes family
Hylen/Smith family
Holecek family
Jay-Stewart family
Joiner family
Joyner family
Evan Kalameja

Mary Kennerly & family
Nadine Kennerly

Laird family

LeMon family

Dr. Valérie Loichot
Abigail Marateck & Samir Younis
Laura Merlini

Meredith & Rich Muller
Richard & Judy Muller
Muller family
Richelle Patton
Scalese family

Seetoo family
Susan Lynn Smith
Christine & Charles Sterne
Martha & Carroll Sterne
Josephine Threlkeld
Peter Wakefield
Welch family
Werner family
Westercamp family